7 Signs You Need a Hotel Renovator

Jan 23, 2024 | Commercial Renovations

Like any commercial space, hospitality-focused or otherwise, hotels evolve with time. As an owner, operator, or manager of such a property, a crucial part of your responsibilities is watching for the signs of aging — knowing the cues for renovation when you see them. It could mean the difference between the success or failure of your business.

How Do You Know When the Time Is Right?

Think of your hotel like a living thing, always adapting to meet the changing demands of the environment. As time goes on, guest expectations shift, and any hotel that wants to stay afloat will have to adjust accordingly. In short, there comes a time in every hotel’s life when a touch-up turns into a transformation. So, to help you on your way, here are seven unmistakable signs that your hotel is due for service by a professional hotel renovator.

1. Outdated Aesthetics

If walking through the front doors of your hotel feels like stepping into a bygone era — always assuming there are no vintage costume parties going on — then it’s probably time for an upgrade. Modern aesthetics have a tendency to attract modern guests, which will boost your numbers and leave a more favorable impression on your customers.

2. A Decrease in Guest Satisfaction

While taking a look at guest reviews can be scary, it can reveal a lot of valuable information. Declines in guest satisfaction scores or repeated complaints might indicate that your facilities are too old to keep up. A renovation can change a lot about customer perception.

3. General Wear and Tear

Try as we might, the wear and tear of passing years are unavoidable. Visible signs of age, such as faded carpets and linens, chipping paint, and out-of-order fixtures, are a surefire sign that it’s time to replace what’s broken. A well-maintained hotel is a message to your guests that you’re committed to their comfort and satisfaction.

4. An Evolving Brand Image

If your hotel is part of a larger brand, there may be some unique challenges that come with the territory. As the brand’s image evolves, your hotel might struggle with keeping appearances up to snuff. Fortunately, a renovation is the perfect chance for a rebranding, allowing you to bring your facilities into the modern day, both functionally and aesthetically.

5. Technological Obsolescence

In the age of innovation, it’s harder to keep up with evolving technological demands than ever before. Guests expect modern amenities. If your hotel is lacking in features like high-speed internet, smart thermostats, or key card access, it’s probably time to invest in new tech.

6. Challenging Changes in Regulations

Like any industry concerned with the comfort and safety of its guests, there are plenty of regulations to stay aware of. Locally and nationally, these safety standards can change over time. If the thought of an inspection has you sweating, that’s a very good sign that it’s time for a renovation. In the end, you’ll be relieved to have it done.

7. An Increase of Competition

If you’ve been in operation for any amount of time, you already know how competitive the hotel industry can be. If you’re seeing neighboring hotels and motels undergoing renovations or offering new amenities, it might be your sign to take the leap. With the right hotel renovator at your service, you can confidently proceed, knowing an update will make you more competitive than ever.

Why Choose VPC Builders?

If recognizing the signs is the first step, then choosing your perfect-match hotel renovator is the second. Here at VPC Builders, we’ve seen the unique challenges that come with operating a hotel, and we consider them an opportunity to innovate. Our commitment to craftsmanship, quality, and sustainable design has made us North Carolina’s favorite renovator.

Whether you’re looking for a simple facelift or a complete transformation for your hotel, VPC Builders is prepared to deliver world-class results in record time. Get in touch today to learn what a professional renovation can do for you.

Get with the times — Contact VPC Builders today.