VPC Builders Homewatch

There’s no such thing as too much peace of mind.
From the moment you step out the door to the time you arrive back home, you can put your worries to rest.
When it’s time for you to be away from your home, VPC Builders team is here for you. Whether you’re on a short trip or an extended leave, our professional team will inspect your home and keep a close eye on what’s most important to you.
We take your trust seriously. We’ll care for your property with the same diligence and attentiveness as we would with our own homes.
Here’s what VPC Homewatch does for homeowners in the High Country.
Custom Homewatch Services

While You’re Away.
- Check the exterior of the home for signs of vandalism, forced entry or storm damage
- Check roof & gutters from the ground for debris and/or damage
- Check general condition of landscaping, siding & fencing
- Check gas or oil tank level (if easily accessible)
- Bring mail/newspapers inside
- Make sure all doors, windows & screens are secure & free from damage
- Check security system operation (if applicable)
- Check & reset any tripped breakers
- Check thermostat (temp set according to homeowner request)
- Check HVAC filters & change if provided (if easily accessible)
- Check water (on/off according to homeowner request)
- Visual check of the water heater (on/off)
- Check refrigerator & freezer for proper operation

When You Leave
- Adjust heat or A/C (according to homeowner request)
- Close blinds and/or windows
- Turn off all interior lights
- Lock & secure the property

Before You Return
- Turn on exterior lights
- Turn on specific interior lights (per homeowner’s request)
- Turn on main water supply
- Adjust heat or A/C
- Open blinds and/or windows
Follow your dreams with new home construction
Building a new home can be part of your desire to live in a place where happiness can find a home. People experience a myriad of emotions when they build a home: nervousness, excitement, contentment, elation, and more. Whether you bring your pre-designed plans to the table or work with our team through the design-build process, we’ll do everything we can to make the experience as enjoyable as possible.