Our Process

Honesty, Transparency,
and Open Communication
These three principles are not only essential for establishing the trust needed to successfully complete your project – they’re also what defines our business. We measure our success by our clients’ satisfaction and we’ve found that a guaranteed way to ensure that we exceed our clients’ expectations is to listen to them!
This is why we insist on taking the time to fully understand your vision for the project, as well as any time and economic constraints, before turning the first shovelful of earth. We’ve received valuable knowledge from every job we’ve undertaken; and to make sure your project benefits from that hard-won experience, we’ve created a process designed to guarantee a successful outcome right from the start!
Our Process

Step 1:
Find Your Vision
Starting a new construction or renovation project requires a solid vision that takes your needs, goals, and desires into consideration. How should the completed building look and feel? Should it spark creativity, promote productivity, or something else entirely? The answers to these questions, and more, help to create a solid foundation of ideas on which to build. Once you’ve identified your goals, found your inspiration, and let your imagination run wild – it’s time for Step 2.

Step 2:
Let’s Discuss
Now is when things start to get good! With your vision in place, it’s time to have a conversation! To make your project successful beyond your wildest expectations, it’s imperative that we understand who you are, what you do, where you’re coming from, and why this project is a critical component of your plan for future success! Remember all those incredible ideas you had in Step 1? Now’s the time to lay them all out on the table, along with any limiting factors, and allow our knowledge and experience to guide you to a refined and, most importantly, attainable version of your goal! Don’t hold back – we’ve seen it happen firsthand; as ideas that initially sounded pretty far-fetched are ultimately transformed into some of the completed projects of which we’re most proud. With a shared and unified vision, it’s time to form a concrete plan – on to Step 3!

Step 3:
Plan For Success
T.S. Eliot once stated “the end is in the beginning” – that’s as true for a great work of fiction as it is for the story of your new construction or renovation project. Though we’re now more than halfway through the process, we’re still in the beginning phases of your project and it’s time to put together an action plan! If Step 2 was about the “Who, What, Where, and Why”; then Step 3 is all about the “How”! When it comes to putting a great plan together, there’s no substitute for the wisdom that comes from a wealth of experience. We’ll use that wisdom to create an accurate cost estimate and construction schedule that’s respectful to your timeframe and budget. Once you’ve had a chance to review, discuss, modify, and approve the plan and we’ve had the chance to satisfy any necessary permitting and code requirements; there’s only one thing left to do – start building! On to Step 4!

Step 4:
If You Build It… They Will Come!
We started with a vision, refined it, worked hard (and smart!) to put a plan together, and now it’s time to reap the delicious fruits of our labor! Not only are we looking forward to seeing the look on your face when you turn the key and step across the threshold of your new space for the first time – we’re also looking forward to what you’ll tell others about your experience! We hope you’ll speak about the ease with which your project was completed; the respect and consideration shown to you, your site, and your resources; as well as the honest, up-front, and open communication you experienced along the way. Our favorite way to celebrate the successful completion of a project? Find some new inspiration and start again!
If you’re ready to lay the foundation on your next project, you owe it to yourself, and your business, to contact us at VPC Builders! Large or small, brand new or new to you; we’re ready to create the practical, functional, and beautiful building you’ve always wanted. Reach out today and find out how our commercial building process can help ensure you reach the goal of the continued growth and success of your business.