How Long Do New Construction Homes Take to Build?

Jul 25, 2022 | New Construction

Beginning your custom home project can be the start of a long journey. Of course, the duration depends on the size and customization of each project. Building a new construction home can take six months to two years, averaging eight months to one year. This timeline is dependent on weather, environment, and changes during construction. That’s a long time. So, what happens during these months?

Month 1: Laying Out the Plan

To obtain a building permit, you need to know exactly what you’ll be building. Making changes after the building has begun will be costly and could be timely if they require a different building permit. So, establishing your custom home plan at the beginning of your project is essential to operate a timely and cost-effective construction. 

What to Establish in Your Initial Plan

  • Location
  • Floorplan
  • Customizations
  • Structure

Of course, depending on how prepared you are on what type of house you want to build and the details surrounding that, this could take more or less time. Once you have decided on these vital aspects, you can apply for a building permit.

Month 2: Obtaining Building Permit 

The U.S. Census Bureau reports estimate that it will take around 4-5 weeks to obtain a building permit. This could take longer if you run into property line disputes or zoning problems. 

While waiting for the building permit to be granted, you can continue working on the project by finalizing your agreement, finding a finance plan, discussing pre-construction, and deciding on smaller, non-permit required details such as paint colors, cabinet styles, and bathroom details. 

Months 3 – 10: Building

The moment we’ve all been waiting for! Groundbreaking begins, and the foundation is laid — your dream home is starting to come to life.

Of course, this is the longest stretch of the process, taking anywhere between six and ten months. During this time, it is vital to stay in close contact with your builder — hopefully VPC Builders! We want you to know what’s going on so that if there are any questions or concerns during building, we can provide answers quickly. 

What Needs to be Done?

  1. Groundbreaking
  2. Foundation and Framing 
  3. Electrical, Plumbing, Ventilation.
  4. Siding and Roofing
  5. Insulation and Drywall
  6. Flooring and Paint 
  7. Cabinets, Molding, and Trim
  8. Exterior Finishes: Brick or stonework and siding
  9. Interior Finishes: Light fixtures, faucets, bathroom appliances, carpeting, etc. 
  10. Driveways and Walkways 
  11. Clean Up

Things That Could Slow Down Building

Knowing what could slow down your building process will prevent you from being surprised when something unexpected happens, like weather or a change to the initial home plan. Plan for the best but be prepared for curveballs. 

  • Authorizations sometimes take longer than expected 
  • Weather interferes with our ability to build
  • Some locations and typography take more time to develop than others
  • A lot of customizations 
  • Changes in the plan mid-building 

How Long Will Your New Construction Home Take to Build?

We’d love to help you establish your dream home plan and lay out a timeline to see how long it will take to build your new construction home. Contact us today!