The Face of Commercial Building: Exterior Design

Mar 26, 2024 | Commercial Construction

When it comes to commercial buildings, exterior design shapes the identity of a structure, both in function and visual appeal. There are an endless number of approaches that could be taken, though a few select styles have stood the test of time and continue to make the best impression with the right audience.

From sleek modern facades to the timeless elegance of classical elements, it’s the combination of features that makes a commercial building’s exterior design really come to life. In this article, we’ll explore just a few of the styles and features that characterize today’s design sensibilities.

Modern Minimalism

Modern commercial buildings tend to embrace a more minimalist aesthetic — hence why we often call it “modernism.” Characterized by clean lines and sturdy, geometric shapes, the modern style lends itself well to a functional focus. 

As far as the modern look is concerned, simplicity is the name of the game. Glass facades and steel frames are paired with neutral color palettes, making these structures appear accessible, familiar, and clean. This style is often the ideal look for forward-thinking businesses that specialize in technology and innovation.

Timeless Elegance

For those businesses who hope to achieve a more traditional appeal, the elements of classical architecture remain a compelling option. Features like Greek columns, arches, and intricate moldings have stood the test of time for a reason.

Materials like brick, stucco, or natural stone complement these features with a sense of heritage and longevity. Ornate and symmetrical styles, meanwhile, carry a sense of sophistication and professionalism that suits structures intended for governmental or financial operations.

Sustainable Solutions

In modern commercial building design, there’s a stronger emphasis on sustainability and responsibility than the industry has ever seen before. Modern structures often incorporate sustainable features in external design, such as green roofs, solar panels, and natural ventilation systems, to name just a few. 

In addition to mitigating environmental impact and saving money, these features often bring a more appealing look to the industrial facade of a commercial building, drawing new business from those who value beauty and sustainability.

Creative Expression

The art of commercial building external design lends itself particularly well to businesses in more creative industries. The less conventional a company’s visual identity, the more eye-catching elements it can embrace. Outward-facing creative expression is an excellent way to set a business apart from its competition.

Bold colors, asymmetrical shapes, and exterior wall murals are all remarkable ways to catch the attention of potential customers while conveying what your business is about: creativity, personality, and outside-the-box thinking.

Versatile Functionality

More often than not, the most successful commercial buildings strike a perfect balance of form and function with their exterior design. Features like outdoor seating and covered walkways, for example, provide both a functional purpose and a sense of liveliness and personality.

Buildings exist to be inhabited by people, and the most successful exterior designs use this fact to their advantage. Thoughtful signage, ample lighting, and features for general convenience are all essential for making a building inviting for potential partners and customers alike.

A Custom Approach to Commercial Building Exterior Design

Here at VPC Builders, we know better than anyone that commercial exterior design is about far more than simple aesthetics. True artistry in design means creating spaces that balance form with function while prioritizing the people who work, play, shop, and live there.

As the Carolinas’ most trusted contractor, we specialize in bringing your ideas to life in custom exterior design. Whether you’re after that timeless appeal of a classic look or the simple functionality of a modern design, you can count on VPC to make your vision a reality.

Explore external design with the experts. Contact VPC Builders today.