Guide to Building an Office Building That’s Sustainable

Jul 18, 2024 | Commercial Construction

The demand for sustainability is growing. 73% of Gen Z consumers will pay more for a sustainable product. 90% of business executives believe sustainability is important. It’s no longer a buzzword but a mainstream initiative in the business world. 

Sustainability affects how we shop, the processes we use, and the buildings we work in. As businesses become increasingly eco-conscious, the demand for sustainable office buildings is rising. But what makes an office building environmentally sustainable? And is building an office building that’s sustainable really cost-effective? 

Discover what defines an office building as sustainable and the economic benefits of going green. 

What Makes an Office Building Environmentally Sustainable? 

Stainable office buildings work to minimize their environmental impact throughout their lifecycle, from construction to daily operation and even eventual demolition. Here are five fundamental principles that define an environmentally friendly office building. 

Responsibly Sourced Materials 

The design of a sustainable office building should minimize waste by using materials as efficiently as possible. It will encourage using recycled or salvaged materials, renewable materials like bamboo, and locally sourced materials to reduce transportation emissions. 

Construction Principles 

Builders will focus on principles that minimize energy consumption during and after construction. For example, they’ll create a well-insulated and airtight building envelope, which is the physical barrier between the interior and exterior. Making the building envelope as sound as possible will reduce heating and cooling demands. 

Energy-Efficient Factors 

Sustainable office buildings incorporate solar panels, wind turbines, or other methods to generate clean energy when possible. They’ll also use LEDs for lighting, HVAC systems designed for efficiency, and smart building technology that reduces energy usage. 

Water Conservation 

Landscaping should incorporate drought-resistant and native plants to minimize the water needed to keep plants healthy. They should also install water-saving toilets, faucets, and showerheads to reduce water consumption. 

Indoor Environmental Quality 

Sustainable office builders prioritize natural light and good ventilation, which are necessary for the health and well-being of those working inside. Building materials, furniture, and finishes should have low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) levels to create better indoor air quality. 

Is Building an Office Building That’s Sustainable Expensive?

There is a misconception that sustainable office buildings are significantly more expensive to construct. In reality, the initial investment in sustainable materials and systems is often offset by long-term savings and other cost benefits. Building sustainably can be a sound financial decision for several reasons: 

  • Energy efficiency saves money. Sustainable buildings have better insulation and energy-efficient systems. That translates into lower energy bills throughout the life of the building and lower operating costs. 
  • There are tax incentives. Many government programs reward sustainability features with tax breaks and rebates, which can reduce the upfront cost of sustainable measures. 
  • It can increase property value. Sustainable office buildings are appealing to tenants and buyers, leading to more profitable rental rates, a better price on the market, and a faster return on investment. 
  • They improve employees’ health. Employees who work in environments with good air quality and lots of natural light have lower stress levels and take fewer sick days. This could lower employee turnover and create a more productive workforce. 

VPC Builders Is Experienced in Sustainable Construction

Office buildings need to be functional, beautiful, and environmentally responsible. VPC Builders is a leading commercial contractor with a track record of building office buildings in the Carolinas that are all three. 

Building a sustainable office building is an investment in your company and the well-being of your team. Make VPC Builders your trusted partner in creating a space reflecting your commitment to sustainability and a healthy work environment. Call us today, and let’s start designing a workspace that’s good for your business and the planet.