5 Lessons From an Experienced Commercial Building Contractor

Aug 27, 2024 | Commercial Construction

Commercial construction often comes with high stakes. Building is expensive, from materials to labor, and avoidable mistakes can have unsavory effects on budgets and timelines. Suffice to say, the margin for error is slim. Getting it right the first time demands the utmost care — and keeping a few crucial rules of thumb in mind.

As a leader among North Carolina’s most experienced commercial building contractors, VPC Builders has picked up a few tricks over the years. By keeping these in mind, we’ve been able to achieve consistent, exceptional results. In the spirit of saving you time, effort, and money on your next commercial project, we’d like to share some of our hard-earned lessons with you.

Our Best Advice as a Commercial Building Contractor:

1. Take Your Time in Pre-Construction Planning

There are few things as exciting as a long-awaited new building project. This is one of the reasons why even experienced clients and builders are tempted to rush through the pre-construction planning phase.

Rushing this stage — or worse, skipping seemingly inconsequential steps — can lead to miscommunications, unexpected costs, and unforeseen delays later on down the line. Here at VPC Builders, our years in the craft have taught us to give this critical phase all the room it needs to breathe. 

2. Clear Communication Covers a Multitude of Sins

Virtually any experienced commercial building contractor will tell you that communication is key to a successful project. At this point, it’s almost a cliché. The problem with clichés, however, is that people tend to stop taking them seriously. This critical pitfall must be avoided at all costs.

Especially in situations that might risk embarrassment, extra effort, or unforeseen costs, there’s a temptation to resort to vague language and minimal communication. The truth is, these are the scenarios where complete transparency is absolutely vital. Nearly any problem can be solved so long as the issues and needs are communicated clearly.

3. Double Check Codes and Regulations

Navigating local building codes and regulations can be an extremely daunting task, especially when you’re building in a new or unfamiliar area. This is where experienced, local commercial building contractors have a chance to really shine.

If you’re not absolutely sure you know the details of the local codes and regulations that could affect your project, be sure that you’re working with a contractor who does — and remember, it’s always better to double check.

4. Have a Contingency Plan for Everything

However meticulously you plan, unexpected challenges can and often will arise over the course of a commercial project. It’s nobody’s fault; it’s simply a fact of the industry we work in. This is why it’s vital that plans account for any contingencies — weather-related delays, disruptions in the supply chain, dubious site conditions — that could throw your project off track.

Here at VPC Builders, we make sure to bake extensive contingency plans into every project timeline we produce. This way, we can ensure a relatively accurate timeline, budget, and process, keeping the project moving even in the face of new obstacles. 

5. Quality Pays for Itself

In an effort to save as much money as possible, many project owners are tempted to cut corners and compromise on the quality of materials, tools, and craftsmanship. While this can certainly save a few dollars up front, the truth is that these shortcuts regularly end up costing more money in the long run. The project as a whole suffers.

For VPC, our commitment to quality is more than just a tagline or selling point for marketing. Our vast experience has taught us that quality is always worth the cost. On top of producing superior results, they also save your business (and your wallet) from unnecessary maintenance and repairs for years to come. 

VPC: Commercial Building Contractors You Can Count On

At VPC Builders, quality is baked into everything we do, from the initial selection of materials to the intricate craftsmanship our workers employ on the job site. We never sacrifice long-term value for short-term savings, and we always work with trusted suppliers and skilled craftspeople to ensure your project stands the test of time.

If you’re planning a commercial construction project of your own and want to be sure it’s done right from the outset, reach out to our team today. We’ll make a plan to set your project on the track toward exceptional results. 
Learn from the experts. Contact VPC Builders today.